Monday, December 30, 2013


Today is our last day in our first home.  We moved in a year ago September while the afternoons were warm and abuzz with laughing children on the playground across the street.  On that first day, David and I climbed the narrow flights of stairs together man and wife.  Him in his dashing dark suit, me in my white lacy dress with an antique hair clip holding back my bouncy curls.  And then, half way up the stairs, there was a trip and the platter of wedding tarts and cookies we had been carrying flipped bottom up and tumbled back down the stairs.  David and I chose to laugh at this misfortune, and still smile remembering the stairs dusted with powdered sugar and crumbs. 

This morning the contents of every closet and cabinet are strewn about in messy stacks of boxes.  The windows and walls are bare.  David and I are giddy as we wait for family and friends to arrive and carry out our belongings and drive them on down the road to our new house.  Our first sweet house.  Oh the sleepless nights of late as my head has spun with paint colors, landscaping, and dining room tables.  As I wait in this quiet moment before the chaos, I have every expectation of this new home being every bit as sweet as our first.  Wish us luck as we squeeze our couch down the winding stairwell! 

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