Sunday, August 4, 2013

It is embarrassing how long it has been since I’ve posted.  My excuse is that, very last minute (as some of the best plans are done,) I decided to just try and find out if I could make it into graduate school for this fall semester.  This threw all my efforts into essay writing, filling out the application, notifying references, communication with admissions, and so forth.  Well, I made it and am basking in these last weeks of calm before classes start in August. 

Graduate school hasn’t been the only exciting change.  It’s astonishing that the one-year lease on our apartment is almost up!  David and I have tossed back and forth whether to stay or move and we were tickled to decide to buy a house!  We have found a house we adore in the neighborhood of my dreams.  We hope to see the inside this week, but in the meantime we have been terribly rude and slowly drive past the property anytime we are out. 

Hmmm.  What else is going on?  One of my dearest friends got married on Thursday.  The whole day flounced with lace and curls.  My friend had her eye on this wonderful young man back in high school and it is so delicious that after all this time they are together. 

With so many changes, I woke up this morning and knew I needed to bake.  There is something about following the steps of a delicious recipe that makes me feel grounded and successful!  Poor David had hardly rolled out of bed before I shooed him off to the store for berries and heavy whipping cream.  We’ve nibbled on biscuits and berries as we’ve been in and out (driving by a certain house,) today and it tastes like the essence of summer.

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